Brugge studentenstad
Bruges has about ten thousand students, an this number is still increasing every year. With Brugge Studentenstad, we are further expanding Bruges as a city where studying feels like heaven.
Our purpose is to organize events for college students, and to look for locations where students can study. We make sure that the city offers enough dorms for students to live, that students can make use of our yellow student bikes to cross through our city. With “The Student Village” we offer students a place where they can study, work on their own projects, organise activities, meetings and just show them what our city has to offer.
Brugge Studentstad consists of a partnership between the following colleges, universities and the city of Bruges: Vives, Howest, KU Leuven, ZoWe Verpleegkunde, Vesalius Verpleegkunde, College of Europe and the city of Bruges itself. The overarching coordination is in the capable hands of Brugge Plus VZW.