Dealing with negative thoughts
Are you anxious, angry, worried sometimes? Do you suffer from stress and insecurity? We often think that we are the only ones, but everyone suffers from negative thoughts once in a while. During this time it is important to look for support from friends and family and talk about what is bothering you. Talking isn't always easy and sometimes you don't know where to start ... Luckily there are a lot of platforms to help you on your way.
WAT WAT looks for answers to the 1001 questions that young people could be asking themselves. With the project "Dark thoughts" WAT WAT wants to break the taboo around mental wellbeing and show young people that they are not alone with their dark thoughts. Eight young people are taking the lead and are sharing their difficult moments wholeheartedly in four Youtube episodes. To start the conversation they use the card game "Dark thoughts": 38 questions that let you take the first step to an open conversation about how you are feeling. Take a look maybe the questions help you on your way.
Apps for you mental health
It might sound weird, but there are also countless apps for you mental wellbeing. It offcourse doesn't replace a conversation, but it can be a starting point or a valuable addition. There are apps that focuse on dealing with negative thoughts, that help you understand yourself better or that make it possible for you to talk to someone. You can find a complete overview here.
Via “Awel ik wil een babbel…” you can have a free and anonimous conversation with someone.
Via “Awel ik zoek info…” you can read everything about topics that young people are engaged by.
Fit in je hoofd: information, concrete exercises and tips about how to feel good about yourself
Moodspace: reliable information, tips and self-help tools to tackle emotional problems or to help you study confidently
Teleblok: a website with tons of information and tips about study problems
Tele-onthaal: a free and anonymous conversation with someone
Zelfmoordlijn1813: suicide prevention
Druglijn: for all your questions about alcohol, drugs, pills, gaming and gambling
lumi: for all your questions about gender and sexual preference
1712: professional hotline for questions about violence, abuse and child abuse
Tejo: Therapists for Young People, for an anonymous, free and personal call with a therapist
Sexting - Mediawijs: everything you need to know about sexting
Nu praat ik erover: a chat box for young people who have questions about or are victims of sexual violence, among other things
Vlaams meldpunt grensoverschrijdend gedrag: The Flemish Reporting Centre for Transgressive Behaviour is there for anyone who has to deal with transgressive behaviour, including intimidation, discrimination or other forms of undesirable behaviour. It is a safe place to share experiences and get professional help.