ENTREPRENEURSHIP during your studieS
Are you already itching to start a business while still studying? On this page you will find information that may be useful to you:
> the difference between being a student-entrepreneur and being a student-self-employed worker
> An overview of Brugian organizations that can support you
> The business coaches per school
> General tools for starters
Student-entrepreneur or student-self-employed worker?
If you are already engaged in entrepreneurship during your studies or are busy developing your idea, then there is a good chance that you can apply for the student-entrepreneur status at your school. Many higher education institutions offer entrepreneurial students' facilities: personal guidance, free workspace, the possibility to reschedule exams or internships, etc. Student-entrepreneur status is consequently institution-specific and has no legal implications.
The conditions attached to the status and the specific facilities offered depend on the institution. You can find an overview per school here:
> HOWEST: website / facebook
> VIVES: website / facebook
> KU Leuven Campus Brugge: website
The student-entrepreneur status is not to be confused with being a student-self-employed worker, which is the status created by the government to stimulate and support young entrepreneurship. Every self-employed worker is subject to the social status of the self-employed and and must subscribe to a social insurance fund. The obligation to contribute starts from the first day of the quarter in which they start their self-employed activity. Under certain conditions, student-entrepreneurs enjoy more advantageous rates. You can find all information on the status of student-self-employed worker here.
Foto: Mika Baumeister
Which Bruges organisations can you contact with your questions?
TURBO is the platform for enterprising young people in Bruges. It is a collaboration between the City of Bruges, HOWEST, VIVES, KU Leuven, Het Entrepot and De Republiek. These organisations have joined forces to boost entrepreneurship among young people in Bruges.
Do you have an idea you would like to pitch? Are you interested in entrepreneurship but do not know how to start? Then the TURBO team is at your service. TURBO has a network of people with the right expertise and knowledge who are eager to share this with other young entrepreneurs. At the TURBO events you can get inspired by the entrepreneurial stories of other young entrepreneurs and get in touch with likeminded people.
If you are a student of VIVES, HOWEST or KU Leuven, you can contact the following business coaches on campus who will get to work with you in the framework of TURBO:
> Vermast Marie: marie.vermast@howest.be (contact person for student-entrepreneurs)
> Bram De Muynck: bram.de.muynck@howest.be (coordinator for the Start UP School)
> Anaïs de Béthune: anais.debethune@vives.be
> Sofie Van Hecke: sofie.vanhecke@vives.be
KU Leuven Campus Brugge
> Charlotte Vermeulen: charlotte.vermeulen@kuleuven.be
Het Entrepot is the place to go with all your questions and ideas, no matter how crazy they may be:
"With us, young people get opportunities to boldly think in or outside of the box. If you have a good idea, we are happy to give you the confidence and support to develop it."
Do you have specific questions about creative entrepreneurship? Then be sure to take a look at the Entrepot website, where a lot of "Not So Frequently Ask Questions" are explained. Contact person at Het Entrepot:
> Judith Desmyttere: judith@hetentrepot.be
Video: Het Entrepot
There are a number of tools that can help you clarify your plan, gain insight into the feasibility and what you may still need to do to get started.
Starter’s guide: Your road to success as an entrepreneur
This guide will guide you through your business plan with fun assignments and thought exercises. Use VLAIO's starter guide to visit various neighbourhoods: find tips for marketing on the marketing boulevard, study the numbers in the financial district. Visit the business district for tips on your enterprise plan. Create a profile and request your free workbook!
> De Startersgids
Starter's Compass: get started with this practical tool
Check the financial feasibility of your project with this tool. Moreover, the starter's compass can serve as a basis for an enterprise plan. You can download the Starter's Compass for your enterprise via this link. Also watch the short films on how to use the Starter’s Compass.
> Startkompas | Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen
Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas allows you to describe your business with only nine basic building blocks. It summarises all facets that have an impact on creating the added value of your business: customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, core activities, key partners and cost structure.
> Business Model Canvas
If you have a certain product for sale, you obviously have to put a price on it. If you ask too little, you will not break even. If you ask too much, nobody will buy your product. So, think carefully about your pricing!
> Pricing