On Thursday, May 5, Brugge Studentenstad organizes a laser tag on the site of the Vives campus in Bruges.
You can participate in one of the games between 19h and 23h, in an original setting. Each game has room for 20 people.
Participation: free of charge!
For practical reasons, it is MANDATORY to register in advance via the Stuvo or your school's secretariat.
You also get a free drink afterwards in the Krachtbar.
You can register in the living room of Stuvo VIVES, Xaverianenstraat 8, 8200 Bruges.
Note: only students of Howest Brugge, VIVES Brugge, KUL Brugge, College Of Europe, ZoWe Verpleegkunde Brugge, Vesalius Verpleegkunde Brugge can participate.