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Run & Fun

  • Cachot 3b Hauwerstraat Brugge, Vlaanderen, 8000 Belgium (kaart)

Weekly jogging in group under the guidance of a coach, to improve your condition and performance so that you can participate well prepared in the 6-hour race (2022/03/31), or just because you want to move more. There will be a 'start to run' group and a group aimed at advanced runners who want to set a new goal. Moreover, it is a great way to meet like-minded souls, because after the effort, there is a nice chat in party room Cachot. All participants are then treated to a free drink.

On those evenings, the bar is run by our Bruges student clubs. These bar evenings are also open to students who do not participate in the running sessions. So everyone can come and have a drink (or more). The doors open at 7:30 pm.

Practical info:
Starts on Wednesday October 20th 2021, then every Wednesday until Dec 22nd 2021. The sessions start again on Monday Jan 10th 2022 and then every Monday until March 28th 2022.

Jogging from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Bar opens at 7:30 pm until...

Howest- VIVES and KUL-students register via studentapp.be, students of Vesalius Verpleegkunde, ZoWe Verpleegkunde and the College of Europe register by sending an e-mail to bruggestudentenstad@gmail.com. Participation in the jogging team is free of charge. You can join in every week!

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17 maart

Late Night Swim

28 maart

Student Bar Night